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Alphabetical Antics

Everyone likes a little bit of word play every once in a know those words that spell another words backwards, or spell the same word backwards. 

  1. Isogram - Is a word or phrase that does not repeat a single letter
    1. adsorptively
    2. Demographics
    3. Drumbeatings
  2. Pangram - A sentence using every single letter of the alphabet at least once. 
    1. Both fickle dwarves jinx my pig quiz
    2. Fake bugs put in wax jonquils drive him crazy
  3. Palindrome - A phrase, word, or number that reads the same backwards. 
    1.  "Never odd or even"
    2.  "Rise to vote, sir"
    3. (Harrah, Renner, Salas, Arora)
    4. 1991
  4. Semordnilap - Spell this backwards and you get #3
  5. Kangaroo word or marsupial - A Word that contains letters of another word in order with the same meaning. 
    1. observe--->see
    2. destruction--->ruin
    3. devilish---evil
    4. plagiarist--->liar
    5. Supervisor--->superior
  6. Lipogram - A word game that concludes that paragraph not use this one letter preferably E, T, A. 
    1. Bold Nassan quits his caravan,
      A hazy mountain grot to scan;
      Climbs jaggy rocks to find his way,
      Doth tax his sight, but far doth stray.

      Not work of man, nor sport of child
      Finds Nassan on this mazy wild;
      Lax grow his joints, limbs toil in vain—
      Poor wight! why didst thou quit that plain?

      Vainly for succour Nassan calls;
      Know, Zillah, that thy Nassan falls;
      But prowling wolf and fox may joy
      To quarry on thy Arab boy.
  7. Rebus - Uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. 
    1. H + picture of an ear = Hear, or Here.
    2. p walk ark: walk in the park
  8. Tautonym - A word or name made up of two identical parts.
    1. so-so
    2. tom-tom
  9. Anagram - A phrase or word formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
    1. Villainousness is an anagram of "an evil soul's sin" (Check out
  10. Antigram - Words or phrases form antonyms when rearranged. 
    1. Violence---nice,love
    2. funeral---real fun
  11. Ambigram - Words that look the same when inverted with calligrophy. 
    1. NOON
    2. SWIMS
    3. SIS
    4. 1881
    5. 1961
    6. 91016
