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How to get the RealTime Typing effect in Gimp

If you have ever been on tumblr then you have seen at least one of those post, that has the text, that is typing actively. Well, it is very easy to do in Gimp, but it might take some time, if you really have a long quote or sentence you want to say. 

Open up Gimp

Make sure you have the Toolbox and Layers box open, and if the layers box is not open, hit Windows->Dockable Dialogs->Layers

Create a New Image->New->specify size you want and Click OK

Next, you will add Text and word that you want, but for right now, kind make it a short phrase to get the hang of it and to see your result.

For this tutorial I will use "Please Follow My Blog For More!"

Typed the First letter of your word or phrase and then press duplicate layer and make sure it is selected

Then go click in the middle of the text box and add the second letter of your word or phrase them click close(Keep repeating this until you get to the last letter of your word or phrase. 

Once you get to the last letter of your phrase, Go to Filters->Animations->Playback

A window should pop up that looks like this

Next you can also change the speed by clicking on the down arrow in the bottom-left hand corner of this window. Once done, close it out

Now if you want to save this, Go to File->Save as and a window will pop up like this:

Add a name for your file, at the bottom click save file type as and Make sure you click Gif and click save

Then you will get another window that says export file, then click save as animation and click export

Open it with a browser of your choice and see your finished result.


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